
If you are interested in joining the Harbor View Yacht Club family, we are currently accepting new member applications!

Below are a list of the membership types we have available

Regular Membership

Great for the boater looking for a secure, fun, safe home for their boat. This membership allows you full access to HVYC and access to other AYC and ILYA yacht clubs. It gives you discounted gas and the right to vote at any regular meeting. 24 work hours must be completed yearly. 

DUES: $299.14/YR

Social Membership

Great for someone who wants to be a member of HVYC but does not own a boat or wish to occupy a dock. With this membership, you are able to visit the club freely. With this membership, attending regular club meetings is encouraged, however you are unable to vote. No work hours are required but participation in events and dinners is encouraged.

DUES: $68.63/YR

Auxiliary event with ladies sitting at tables inside the clubhouse


Great for the spouse or significant other looking to be a member at the club and to get involved in many activities including kids’ events, dinners, special events, and charity work. This membership will give you full access to the club and voting rights at the Auxiliary regular meetings.

DUES: $20.73/YR


If you are looking for a secure dock for your boat, look no farther than HVYC. Your boat will be safe inside the gated harbor where there is always deep water. Your dock will give you easy access & a short run to Put in Bay, Sandusky, Kelleys Island and many other area boating hot spots.

Dock - $430

Air Conditioner - $50 per unit

Ice Maker - $25


Please contact our Vice Commodore if you have any questions. Contact info is located on the Contact page